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Friday 9 August 2013

Republicans intend to block US immigration reform

After a meeting of Republican Congressmen and women on Wednesday 10th July 2013, the prospects for the comprehensive immigration reform bill initially passed by the Senate last month look poor. To become law, the bill must also be passed by the Republican controlled House of Representatives (The House). At a meeting on Wednesday 10th July, many House Republicans spoke out against it.

The Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Bill 2013 (the bill) was passed by the upper house of Congress, the Senate, with 68 votes in favour on 28th June. To become law, it must obtain 60% support in both the Senate and the House.
While the Senate is controlled by the Democrats, the House of Representatives is controlled by the Republicans. A sizeable number of Republican Representatives are vehemently opposed to the bill mainly because of its central provision; the creation of ‘a pathway to citizenship’ for many of the 11.5m immigrants currently living in the US illegally.
Few House Republicans support reform
While some House Republicans, such as the former Vice-Presidential nominee Paul Ryan, support the bill, the meeting of Representatives on 10th July seems to show that they are not the majority.
Former Republican presidential hopeful Michelle Bachman told journalists on Tuesday that she was opposed to the bill. She said ‘Until they can certify that the border is secure, I don’t think we should take up any bill whatsoever.
She told journalists on Thursday 11th July that Republicans were very split on the issue and that all shades of opinion were to be found among representatives.
This seems to make it even less likely that the bill will be passed. The leader of the Republicans in the House, John Boehner, has said that he will not allow a vote on the issue in the House unless a majority of Republicans support it.
This makes the mathematical chances of the bill passing even smaller. To gain 60% support in the House, the bill requires 261 votes out of the 435 available. The Democrats hold 201 seats. If all Democrats voted for the bill, 60 Republicans would need to support it to see it become law.
Bill must get support from 117 Republicans to proceed to vote
But Representative Boehner’s promise to block a vote unless half of Republicans support it means that it will need support from 117 Republicans at least. Washington commentators say that this won’t be forthcoming any time soon.
The House was expected to vote for the bill before the summer recess but Representatives are now saying that there is unlikely to be a vote until after they return to Washington in September. One, John Fleming from Louisiana said there was no chance of a vote in July. ‘We are going to go back to our districts and talk to our constituents’ he said, ‘that is what August is for’.
Another Representative, Darrell Issa of California sought to blame the President for the failure of Republican representatives to support reform. He said that Mr Obama should spend ‘more time working with Congress instead of trying to undermine it’.
Congress increasingly split along party lines
Washington commentators have noted that, over recent years, there has been increasingly little cooperation between Democrats and Republicans in Washington. The Republican Party has moved to the right under the influence of the grass roots Tea Party movement and finds it almost impossible to agree with Democrats on any issue. Republicans claim that Mr Obama’s Democrats have moved further to the left.
On the issue of immigration, Republicans say that to grant a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants would be to reward criminality and would be unfair on genuine, lawful immigrants who apply in the normal way.
They are also concerned that most illegal immigrants in the US are believed to come from Latin America and most Latin Americans currently vote Democrat. So Republicans fear that granting citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants would harm their party’s electoral prospects.
Republicans losing support among Latino voters
Others warn the party that because Latino voters support the pathway to citizenship, the Republicans are losing support among current Latino voters by opposing reform.
At present, in the House at least, it seems that the Republicans are set against the bill.
House leader John Boehner says that, if the bill does not pass, he will work on a series of piecemeal reforms which would increase the number of H-1B visas available for graduate workers in a ‘specialty occupation’ and the number of work-related green cards for foreign graduates of US universities.

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To use the Entrant Status Check (ESC) Web site to check on the status of the Diversity Visa Lottery Form that you submitted to the lottery:
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Green Card Lottery May be Cut with New Immigration Bill

The annual green card lottery, which has been going on since 1995, could be cut with new immigration legislation.
Comprehensive immigration reform came a step closer in the US on Thursday 28th June 2013 after the US Senate passed the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act 2013. For the Act to become law, it still needs to be passed by the other house of Congress, the House of Representatives (known as ‘the House’).
The law would create a ‘pathway to citizenship’ allowing many of the 11.5m illegal immigrants living in the US to apply to become citizens. It would also greatly increase the number of H-1B temporary work visas issued annually and allow many foreign graduates of US universities with doctorates and PhDs to apply for US permanent resident visas.
The Senate passed the proposed law by a majority of 68 votes to 32. The House will vote on the bill in July and it will need the support of at least 60% of Representatives to become law. This amounts to 261 of the 435 Representatives. In the House, there are 234 Republicans and 201 Democrats so it will need the support of at least 60 Republicans. This is by no means assured.

‘We’re going to do our own bill’ – Boehner

The Republican leader in the House, John Boehner, previously said that he was in favour of reform of the immigration system but he has also said that he will not send forward the Senate bill for a vote in the House. He told the press ‘we’re going to do our own bill…that reflects the will of our majority and the will of the American people’.
This could mean that the draft law that emerges from House committees has been amended so heavily that it is almost unrecognisable. Many Republicans are vehemently opposed to reform. In particular, they see the ‘pathway to citizenship’ as a reward for criminal behaviour (entering or remaining in the US illegally) and also fear that illegal immigrants who become citizens are likely to vote Democrat. One Representative, Lamar Smith of Texas, has already suggested that the final House bill may no longer include provisions for the creation of a pathway to citizenship; for most supporters of reform, its most important provision.
Meanwhile, the pressure from pro-reform activists is likely to build on Representatives. One pro-reform Democratic Representative, Luis Gutierrez, said ‘I don’t think the House of Representatives quite understands how broad and deep [support for reform] is because it’s been perpetually stationed outside the Senate for the last four months. Well now, they’re closing down camp there [outside the Senate] and setting up camp here [outside the House].

Schumer endorses million-person pro-reform rally

A Democrat senator, Charles Schumer, has endorsed a planned million-person march to Washington by pro-reform activists. The President is calling on the House to pass the bill soon.
President Obama made immigration reform a priority for his second term. Republicans in the House may see that as yet another reason to vote against it. On the other hand, a recent Gallup poll published on 19th June suggests that 87% of US voters would vote in favour of the establishment of a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants providing that immigrants
  • Wait for ‘a long period before becoming citizens
  • Pay back taxes and a penalty for entering the country illegally
  • Pass a background check and
  • Learn English.
These are all requirements for those who wish to become US citizens that are already in the bill passed by the Senate. Some Republican Representatives may believe that they would be foolhardy to ignore such clear poll results.

Provisions of the bill

Te bill would
  • Create a ‘pathway to citizenship’ for most illegal immigrants with no criminal record. They will be required to pay back taxes and a fee of $500. The process would take over ten years. They will also be required to learn English.
  • Massively increase spending on border security and would provide for a doubling of the number of border guards, the creation of a 700-mile fence along the Mexican border and border patrols by unmanned ‘drone’ aircraft.
  • Require all US employers to check new employees against the E-Verify database to ensure that they are entitled to work in the US.
  • Immediately increase the number of H-1B ‘specialty occupation’ visas available. Under the current system, there are 65,000 H-1Bs available for annually for foreign workers in ‘specialty occupations’ with masters’ degrees (or ‘degree equivalence’) and 20,000 for those with PhDs and doctorates. If the bill is passed, there will be no cap for those with PhDs and doctorates and the number of H-1Bs for those with masters’ degrees will rise immediately to 130,000 and could rise as high as 180,000 in times of high demand.
  • Allow foreign graduates of US universities with PhDs or doctorates to apply immediately for a US permanent resident visa (colloquially known as a ‘green card’
  • Establish a new ‘w-visa’ for low-skilled workers in construction and agriculture.
Copy this link to find out  more [source:]

For All Successful DV Entrants

If you have been selected for further processing in the Diversity Visa program, after you receive instructions via Entrant Status Check, you will need to demonstrate that you are eligible for a diversity immigrant visa by successfully completing the next steps. You will need to complete an immigrant visa application, submit required documents and forms, pay required fees, complete a medical examination, and then be interviewed by a consular officer at the U.S. embassy or consulate to demonstrate you qualify for a diversity visa. Please note that the Kentucky Consular Center will provide application information online ONLY through the Entrant Status Check on the E-DV website
Instructions for Selectees
For Diversity Visa Program Randomly Selected Entrants
How to Begin
If you receive notification through the Electronic Diversity Visa (E-DV) Website that you have been selected for further processing in the Diversity Visa program, you must successfully complete the following steps before a diversity immigrant visa interview can be scheduled to determine if you will receive a visa. It is important for you to complete the next steps as quickly as possible.
Contacting KCC: If you need to contact the KCC, always refer to your name and case number exactly as they appear on your original Selectee Letter. Your case number should be clearly written in the upper right hand corner of all documents and correspondence sent to the KCC. The KCC telephone number is 606-526-7500 (7:30am until 4:00pm EST), or send an E-mail inquiry to
Step 1: Confirm Your Eligibility
The principal diversity visa applicant must have a high school education, or its equivalent, or two years of qualifying work experience, under provisions of United States (U.S.) law. This was explained in the DV Instructions for your eDV entry.
High School Education: A high school education means successful completion of a formal course of elementary and secondary education comparable to completion of a 12-year course in the U.S.
Work Experience: If you are qualifying with work experience, you must have two years of experience in the last five years, in an occupation which, by U.S. Department of Labor definitions, requires at least two years of training or experience that is designated as Job Zone 4 or 5, classified in a Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) rating of 7.0 or higher. The U.S. Department of Labor provides information on job duties, knowledge and skills, education and training, and other occupational characteristics at their website The O*Net online database groups work experience into five “job zones.” While many occupations are listed, only certain specified occupations qualify for the Diversity Visa Program.
How To Find the Qualifying Occupations on the Department of Labor Website: Qualifying DV Occupations are shown on the Department of Labor O*Net Online Database. Follow these steps, when you are in O*Net Online to find out if your occupation qualifies:
- Under “Find Occupations” select “Job Family” from the pull down;
- Then Browse by “Job Family”. (For example, select Architecture and Engineering) and click “GO”;
- Then click on the link for your specific occupation. (As an example, select Aerospace Engineers. At the bottom of this Summary Report for Aerospace Engineers, under the Job Zone section, you will find the designated Job Zone 4, SVP Range, 7.0 to < 8.0. This means using this example, Aerospace Engineering is a qualifying occupation.)
If you do not have either the required education or qualifying work experience, you are not eligible to be issued a diversity visa. Only you, as the principal applicant, must meet this requirement. Your spouse and children do not have to meet this requirement. Do not continue with this application if you do not meet the qualifying education or work experience requirements explained above.
Copy this link to find out more details on Official Website:

Wednesday 7 August 2013


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