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Wednesday 27 February 2013

Breitling Royalties

Divest Your Royalties

Breitling Royalties acquires Royalty Interest & Overriding Royalty Interest based on stable production histories along with identified potential for growth through additional field development. If you are looking to sell all or a percentage of your mineral rights or royalty assets, please contact us to receive an evaluation and a no-obligation cash purchase offer.



Breitling Royalties Corporation

Breitling Royalties Corporation acquires high quality portfolios of oil and gas royalties and packages these deeded interests for accredited investors. Breitling Royalties properties are the most effective way to generate generational wealth in today’s economic climate.
Breitling Royalties maintains a staff of landmen, geoscientists, geologists, geophysicists and petroleum engineers to evaluate the income potential and expected oil and gas reserve life of all oil and gas royalty prospects.  Based on years of relationships and oil and gas industry contacts, Breitling Royalties is a consistent source for quality, energy-based replacement property for real estate investors seeking to complete a 1031 Exchange and for accredited investors seeking long-term cash flow and generational wealth opportunities.
For 1031 Exchange investors a substitute for Ownership of Real Estate is a fractional interest in an Oil and Gas Production that qualifies as “like kind” under Section 1031 of the IRS Code. Ownership is structured through a “fractional interest” similar to tenant-in-common ownership in real estate and is considered “like-kind” for a 1031 exchange. More and more 1031 Exchange investors are turning to Energy Exchange Properties––already producing oil and gas assets––as an alternative to more traditional real estate options. Exchanging into oil or gas producing properties by purchasing Mineral Intersts, Royalty Interests and Overriding Royalty Interests (ORRI) through Breitling Royalties Corporation allows an investor to defer capital gains taxes while providing the opportunity for portfolio diversification through exposure to the energy sector.
Breitling Royalty Funds builds portfolios of oil and gas royalties for accredited investors, institutional investors, foundations and endowments, family offices and alternative asset managers. We provide value through transparency and ongoing, active management. Transparency is achieved by utilizing independent, third-party engineering, administration, treasury management as well as independent annual audits. The management team actively monitors the portfolios and will make opportunistic adjustments based on the royalty marketplace and/or the energy investment landscape.

Do You Qualify To Invest? Contact Us For More Information


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